Activity 6.5: Processing Information in a Technologically-Rich Age
Activity 6.5: Processing Information in a Technologically-Rich Age - Please feel free to respond to my comments and question below:
Our global society, continuously connected, has become addicted to their screens, by choice or free will. Carr, Powers and I agree that our thinking processes are changing due to the fast pace, continually changing, on-line information gathering and social networking. Attention, in terms of our ability to stay on task, is becoming more difficult as well as the idea that we choose to place our shallow attention on our virtual world screens rather than associate with the real world. Depth, or “the quality of awareness, feeling, or understanding that comes when we truly engage with some aspect of our experience” (Powers, 2010, p. 10), is lacking in ours, and our children’s lives.
Those who
can afford the equipment and internet access, may truly benefit from technology
while those children without are, shut
out. How can our schools/society address this inequity so all learners have
equal access to technological advances?
I might ask what learners are "shut out" from? Doesn't Powers suggest that technology can be a burden as well as an asset? Might those who are "shut out" also have an advantage over those who are "shut in"?
Dr. Usher,
I agree that it may be a good thing to be "shut out" in many ways, but when so many schools are going the way of using Ipads almost exclusively, it places those with out at a disadvantage. I am not in favor of going this route. I had a student recently whose school had all textbooks on line and all had IPads. She was not there when they assigned the user names and password, so she was "shut out" of learning. The teachers did nothing about it to help her until I questioned them about it. Apparently in an alternative school with only 50 kids, they had not noticed, even though she had asked more than one teacher to help with this.What happens if one loses their Ipad? Now that is truely,"shut out".
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