Activity 3.1 PowerPoint on Constructivism
Activity 3.1 - PowerPoint Lecture on Constructivism
Jean Piaget, a cognitive constructivist, has a theory of learning in
which he believes individuals are active
learners who construct meaning for themselves. They seek cognitive equilibrium (balance or
harmony) between sensory information, accumulated knowledge, and reality. Disequilibrium results from the conflict
between sensory information and reality, leading individuals with a major source
of motivation to reestablish equilibrium. This diagram shows how learning occurs, as individuals
try to reestablish equilibrium, when faced with disequilibrium (Usher, “PowerPoint
Lecture on Constructivism"):
1. How can educators create a learning environment that accommodates individual students at different stages of cognitive development?
2. How can educators be encouraged to give up the traditional role of information disseminate-rs, and become instead, facilitators guiding students to become active learners responsible for acquiring, adapting, and organizing their own knowledge?
3. In what ways are Montessori schools, or classrooms, representative of Piaget’s theory of learning, in action? If so, how successful are their students, cognitively, compared to those in a traditional classroom?
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